New African Cichlids, Tropical Freshwater Fish, & Plants have arrived!

๐ŸŒŠ Freshwater Friends, it’s a big one! We just restocked with a massive selection of stunning African Cichlids, unique tropical fish, and lush live plants! Whether you’re looking for a dazzling display of Aulonocara cichlids or new plants to bring natural beauty into your setup, we have something special for every aquarist. Don’t miss out on these show-stopping arrivalsโ€”swing by and let your next favorite find make a splash! ๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŸ #FreshwaterRestock #AfricanCichlids #AquariumPlants #AquariumLovers

African CichlidsPrice
Aulonocara albino flavescent large male$165.00
Aulonocara baenschi Benga yellow large male$99.00
Aulonocara eureka hybrid large male$50.00
Aulonocara eureka red large male$115.00
Aulonocara flavescent large$35.00
Aulonocara flavescent large male$99.00
Aulonocara hueseri midnight large male$165.00
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi lemon large male$99.00
Aulonocara jacobfreibergi Otter Point large male$85.00
Aulonocara jacobfteibergi lemon large pair$120.00
Aulonocara maisoni Chitimba x-large male$165.00
Aulonocara Maulana bicolor 500 large male$99.00
Aulonocara maylandi sulferhead large male$99.00
Aulonocara Mbenji blue regal large male$135.00
Aulonocara Ngara flametail large male$125.00
Aulonocara Ngara flametail small-medium$15.00
Aulonocara red top Lwanda large male$165.00
Aulonocara regal Cobue/ Maclear large male$99.00
Aulonocara regal red shoulder large male$99.00
Aulonocara sp. blue neon small-medium$15.00
Aulonocara sp. yellow head Nkhata large male$115.00
Aulonocara sunshine yellow Maleri large male$99.00
Aulonocara sunshine yellow Maleri small-medium$15.00
Aulonocara swallowtail large male$99.00
Aulonocara walteri large male$115.00
Copadichromis (Hap.) azureus/ovatus large male$85.00
Labidochromis sp. red top Hongi large male$65.00
Paratilapia bleekeri big spot Andapa large$65.00
Placidochromis (Hap.) steveni solo/barred steveni small-medium$15.00
Protomelas (Hap.) fenestratus steveni Taiwan albino large male$99.00
Protomelas (Hap.) fenestratus/ steveni Taiwan red large male$110.00
Protomelas (Hap.) fenestratus/ steveni Taiwan red large pair$120.00
Protomelas (Hap.) taeniolatus ndiwe fireblue large male$65.00
Protomelas (Hap.) taeniolatus red empress large male$99.00
African Cichlids
Freshwater Tropical FishPrice
Black Angel Fish$19.00
Marble Angel Fish$16.00
Platinum Angel Fish$19.00
Platinum Arowana$165.00
Black Leopard Guppies (Pairs)$12.00
Blue Metallic Guppies (Pairs)$12.00
Green Cobra Guppies (Pairs)$12.00
Redcap Kohaku Guppies (Pairs)$12.00
Daisy Ricefish Killie Reg$8.00
Golden Wonder Killi$9.00
Pink Medaka Ricefish Killie Reg$8.00
Platinum White Japanese Rice Fish Reg$8.00
Banded Khuli Loach$4.99
Black Khuli Loach$4.99
Panda Loach$38.00
Polka Dot Hillstream Loach$15.00
Xiphophorus variatus orange sunset platys medium$6.00
Dwarf Freshwater BB Puffer Reg$8.00
Paskai Rainbow$9.00
Dwarf Clown Spot Rasbora$3.49
Galaxy Rasbora$9.00
Black Neon Tetra Reg$4.49
Cardinal Tetra Med$4.99
Glolite Tetra Reg$3.49
Green Neon Tetra$4.49
Neon Tetra Florida Lrg$3.49
Red & Blue Colombian Tetra Reg$4.49
Rummynose Tetra$5.49
Ghost Shrimp Each Reg$0.75
Live Blackworms-1/4 lb$49.00
Freshwater Tropical Fish
Live PlantsPrice
Amazon Sword Xl$24.00
Grandifolius Xl$24.00
Jungle Val – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Kleiner Bar Lg$20.00
Melon Lg$20.00
Ozelot Red Xl$24.00
Radican Lg$12.00
Red Melon Lg$20.00
Rose Xl$24.00
Rosette Lg$18.00
Sparkle Xl$35.00
Spiralis Lg$12.00
Undulata Lg$12.00
Anacharis — Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Dwar Baby Tears On Rock$24.00
Dwarf Lily Bulb$9.00
Dwarf Sag – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Java Fern L$24.00
Java Fern Trident$9.00
Java Fern Windelov Lacy$12.00
Java Moss Portion$9.00
Narrow Leaf Dwarf Sag – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Wendtii, Green Lg$9.00
Wendtii, Mi Oya Lg$9.00
Balansae Med$9.00
Becketti Lg$12.00
Coffeefolia Lg$30.00
Costata Lg$12.00
Dwarf Red Parrots Feather – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Glossostigma – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Hygrophilia Blue – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Hygrophilia Pinnatifida – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Hygrophilia Willow – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Limno. Aromatica – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Limno. Hippo – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Lloydiella, Golden – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Lucens Lg$12.00
Ludwigia Broad, Dark Red – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Ludwigia Cuban – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Ludwigia Narrow Red – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Ludwigia Palustris – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Lutea Lg$12.00
Mermaid – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Myrio, Green – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Nana Lg$30.00
Nancon Lg$30.00
Parrots Feather – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Pogostemon Erectus – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Potted Pearlweed$9.00
Rotala Indica – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Rotala Macrandra – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Rotala Vietnam – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Wisteria – Bunched & Leaded$9.00
Live Aquatic Plants

These and so many other amazing animals are available NOW at Elegant Reef – Tropical Fish Studio!