New arrivals at Elegant Reef!
We’ve got a fresh batch of stunning freshwater fish, invertebrates, and plants that are sure to brighten up your aquarium. From colorful guppies to unique shrimp, there’s something for everyone. Come check them out and give your tank a makeover this weekend!
Bumblebee Goby | $5.00 |
Scarlet Gem Badis | $9.00 |
Albino Cory | $6.00 |
Bronze Cory | $6.00 |
Pygmy Cory | $5.00 |
Reticulatus Cory | $10.00 |
Galaxy Danio | $10.00 |
Micro Tiger Goby | $15.00 |
Black Leopard Guppy Pair | $12.00 |
Blue Delta Guppy Pair | $9.00 |
Blue Star Endler Male | $6.00 |
Green Cobra Guppy Pair | $12.00 |
Jade Head Guppy Pair | $12.00 |
Pink Flamingo Guppy Pair | $12.00 |
Purple Haze Guppy Pair | $12.00 |
Red Cobra Guppy Pair | $12.00 |
Tiger Endler Male | $6.00 |
Clown Killi | $7.00 |
Banded Khuli Loach | $5.00 |
Assorted Molly | $6.00 |
Assorted Platy | $6.00 |
Figure 8 Puffer | $13.00 |
Green Spotted Puffer | $13.00 |
Australian Rainbow | $9.00 |
Emerald Rainbow | $22.00 |
Madagascar Rainbow | $15.00 |
Paskai Rainbow | $10.00 |
Praecox Rainbow | $9.00 |
Espei Rasbora | $4.00 |
Rainbow Shark | $7.00 |
Ghost Shrimp | $99.00 |
Otocinclus | $5.00 |
Albino Lemon Tetra | $6.00 |
Bloodfin Tetra | $4.49 |
Cardinal Tetra | $5.99 |
Glo Lite Tetra | $3.49 |
Neon Tetra | $4.49 |
Rummynose Tetra | $5.49 |
Amano Shrimp | $6.00 |
Bamboo Shrimp | $17.00 |
Black Knight Shrimp | $10.00 |
Gold Back Yellow Shrimp | $9.00 |
Green Jade Shrimp | $10.00 |
Super Blue Shrimp | $10.00 |
Amazon Sword Xl | $24.00 |
Grandifolius Xl | $24.00 |
Hygrophilia Blue | $9.00 |
Hygrophilia Pinnatifida | $9.00 |
Hygrophilia Willow | $9.00 |
Kleiner Bar Lg | $18.00 |
Ludwigia Cuban | $9.00 |
Ludwigia Narrow Red | $9.00 |
Ludwigia Palustris | $9.00 |
Melon Lg | $18.00 |
Ozelot Green Xl | $24.00 |
Ozelot Red Xl | $24.00 |
Parrots Feather | $9.00 |
Radican Lg | $12.00 |
Red Melon Lg | $24.00 |
Rose Xl | $24.00 |
Rosette Lg | $18.00 |
Rotala Macrandra | $9.00 |
Rotala Vietnam | $9.00 |
Ruffle Lg | $18.00 |
Sparkle Xl | $38.00 |
Spiralis Lg | $12.00 |
Undulata Lg | $12.00 |
Uruguayensis | $18.00 |
Bolbitis, Broad Leaf Md | $9.00 |
Dwar Baby Tears On Rock | $24.00 |
Dwarf Lily Bulb | $9.00 |
Java Fern Trident | $9.00 |
Java Fern Windelov Lacy | $12.00 |
Java Fern Xl | $24.00 |
Mermaid | $9.00 |
Wendtii, Green Lg | $9.00 |
Wendtii, Mi Oya Lg | $9.00 |
Balansae Med | $9.00 |
Becketti Lg | $12.00 |
Coffeefolia Lg | $30.00 |
Costata Lg | $12.00 |
Dwarf Red Parrots Feather | $9.00 |
Glossostigma | $9.00 |
Limno. Aromatica | $9.00 |
Limno. Hippo | $9.00 |
Lucens Lg | $12.00 |
Ludwigia Broad, Dark Red | $9.00 |
Lutea Lg | $12.00 |
Myrio, Green | $9.00 |
Nana Lg | $30.00 |
Nancon Lg | $30.00 |
Potted Pearlweed | $9.00 |
Wisteria | $9.00 |
Pogostemon Erectus | $9.00 |