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Freshwater Fish | Price |
Alien Betta Male Lrg | $ 116.00 |
Betta Female Reg | $ 5.00 |
Crowntail Betta Female Reg | $ 9.00 |
Crowntail Dragonscale Betta Male Lrg | $ 18.00 |
Female Koi Betta | $ 17.00 |
Galaxy Koi Plakat Betta Male Lrg | $ 38.00 |
Giant Betta Male Lrg | $ 26.00 |
Giant Betta Male Lrg | $ 29.00 |
Halfmoon Betta Male Lrg | $ 17.00 |
Koi Plakat Betta Male Lrg | $ 45.00 |
Platinum White Crowntail Betta Male Lrg | $ 30.00 |
Premium Black Crowntail Betta Male Lrg | $ 25.00 |
Red Dragon Roundtail Betta Male Lrg | $ 29.00 |
Glass Cat | $ 13.00 |
Pygmy Cory | $ 5.00 |
Pygmy Habrosus Cory | $ 6.00 |
Red Laser Cory | $ 46.99 |
Longfin Blue Danio | $ 3.49 |
Feeder Guppy Each Reg | $ 0.66 |
Ghost Shrimp Each Reg | $ 0.75 |
ReptiFauna™ White Dwarf Tropical Isopod 25 Count | $ 24.99 |
Assorted Ryukin Goldfish Reg | $ 14.99 |
Assorted Telescope Goldfish Reg | $ 10.00 |
Black Moor Goldfish M/S | $ 14.99 |
Calico Lionhead Goldfish Reg | $ 14.99 |
Calico Telescope Goldfish Reg | $ 14.99 |
Red & White Oranda Goldfish Med | $ 37.99 |
Red Cap Oranda Goldfish Med | $ 37.99 |
Banded Khuli Loach | $ 4.00 |
Clown Loach Sml | $ 18.99 |
Platinum Halfbeak | $ 5.00 |
Clown Pleco | $ 15.00 |
Colombian Zebra Pleco | $ 60.00 |
Boesmani Rainbow Lg | $ 20.00 |
Chili Rasbora | $ 4.99 |
Red Empress | $ 18.99 |
Albino Rainbow Shark | $ 7.00 |
Black Neon | $ 3.49 |
Cardinal Tetra | $ 4.99 |
Gold Tetra | $ 4.99 |
Green Neon | $ 3.99 |
Neon Tetra Lg | $ 3.99 |
Freshwater Invertebrates | Price |
Blackworm Portion 10ml | $ 6.00 |
Amano Shrimp | $ 5.99 |
Cherry Shrimp | $ 5.00 |
Crystal Red Shrimp | $ 16.99 |
Gold Back Yellow Shrimp | $ 10.00 |
Super Blue Shrimp | $ 11.99 |
Assassin Snail | $ 2.99 |
Zebra Snail | $ 3.49 |
Freshwater Plants | Price |
Amazon Sword Xl | $ 19.99 |
C. Flamingo – Potted | $ 13.00 |
Contortion Val – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Dwarf Sag – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Golden Lloydellia – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Grandifolius Sword Xl | $ 22.00 |
Hygro Araguaia – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Italian Val – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Jungle Val – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Ludwigia Ovalis – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Ludwigia Red Broad Leaf – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Pogostemon Erectus – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Red Ozelot Sword Xl | $ 22.00 |
Rose Sword Xl | $ 24.99 |
Rotala Macrandra – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Rotala Nanjenshan – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Scarlet Temple Var. – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Sparkle Sword Xl | $ 37.99 |
Vesuvius Sword Md | $ 10.00 |
Baby Tears – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Banana Plant | $ 15.00 |
C. Retrospiralis Md | $ 9.00 |
C. Spiralis Lg – Leaded | $ 12.00 |
Creeping Rush | $ 9.00 |
Dwarf Baby Tears On Mat 3X3 | $ 19.99 |
Hairgrass Clump | $ 9.00 |
Java Fern Md | $ 9.00 |
Java Fern Xl | $ 24.00 |
Xmas Moss Portion | $ 9.00 |
Dwarf Red Parrots Feather – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Hornwort – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Hygro Compacta | $ 9.00 |
Littorella Uniflora | $ 9.00 |
Mermaid – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Parrots Feather – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Staurogyne Portion | $ 9.00 |
Wisteria – Leaded | $ 9.00 |
Saltwater Fish | Price |
Angels:Flame Loriculus :: Central Pacific | $ 159.99 |
Angels:Semicircle, Koran Juvenile :: Eastern Asia | $ 224.99 |
Orange (Blue Eye) Anthias: Female – Pseudanthias squamipinnis | $ 44.99 |
Orange (Blue Eye) Anthias: Male – Pseudanthias squamipinnis | $ 94.99 |
Blennies:Combtooth, Twinspot :: Eastern Asia | $ 30.00 |
Blennies:Sailfin / Algae :: Eastern Asia | $ 54.99 |
Blennies:Starry :: Eastern Asia | $ 64.99 |
Tailspot Blenny – Ecsenius stigmatura | $ 20.00 |
Butterflies:Teardrop :: Eastern Asia | $ 84.99 |
Copperband Butterfly – Chelmon rostratus | $ 69.00 |
Raccoon Butterfly – Chaetodon lunula | $ 94.00 |
Cardinals Aquacultured:Kaudern’s, Banggai :: South Asia | $ 25.00 |
Cardinals:Pajama Spotted :: Eastern Asia | $ 25.00 |
Vanderbilt Chromis – Chromis vanderbilt | $ 33.99 |
Damsels:Chromis, Green :: Eastern Asia | $ 9.99 |
Dragonets:Ruby :: Eastern Asia | $ 50.00 |
Snowflake Moray – Echidna nebulosa | $ 79.99 |
Aiptasia Eating File – Acreichthys tomentosus | $ 58.99 |
Citron Clown Goby: Yellow;Fiji – Gobiodon citrinus | $ 34.00 |
Firefish Goby – Nemateleotris magnifica | $ 10.00 |
Gobies Aquacultured:Yashia :: East Americas | $ 99.99 |
Gobies:Firefish Purple :: Eastern Asia | $ 49.99 |
Gobies:Jawfish, Blue Dot :: West Americas | $ 249.99 |
Gobies:Prawn, Randall’s :: Eastern Asia | $ 99.99 |
Gobies:Two Spot Signal :: Eastern Asia | $ 30.00 |
Gobies:Watchman Diamond :: South Asia | $ 54.99 |
Gobies:Watchman Tiger Wardi :: South Asia | $ 64.99 |
Gobies:Watchman, False Yellow Spotted :: Eastern Asia | $ 14.00 |
Golden Head Goby – Valenciennea strigata | $ 44.99 |
Red Cap Goby: C.B. – Elacatinus puncticulatus | $ 50.00 |
Tiger (Wardi) Goby – Valenciennea wardi | $ 40.00 |
Yellow Watchman – Cryptocentrus cinctus | $ 19.99 |
Hawks:Flame Armatus :: Central Pacific | $ 99.99 |
Mombasa Lionfish – Pterois mombasae | $ 149.99 |
Black Molly: Saltwater – Poecilia latipinna | $ 4.99 |
Foxface; Black Spot – Siganus unimaculatus | $ 124.99 |
Blue (Hippo) Tang; T.R. – Paracanthurus hepatus | $ 115.00 |
Sailfin Tang – Zebrasoma veliferum | $ 149.99 |
Cleaner Wrasse – Labroides dimidiatus | $ 24.99 |
Dragon Wrasse: Juv – Novaculichthys taeniourus | $ 80.00 |
Ornate Leopard Wrasse: Female – Macropharyngodon ornatus | $ 79.99 |
Wrasses:Clown :: East Americas | $ 79.99 |
Wrasses:Green :: Eastern Asia | $ 55.00 |
Wrasses:Possum, Yellow-Banded :: Eastern Asia | $ 99.99 |
Wrasses:Xmas Fiji Juvenile/Sub-Adult :: Central Pacific | $ 65.00 |
Yellow Coris Wrasse – Halichoeres chrysus | $ 35.00 |
Saltwater Invertebrates | Price |
Cleaner Shrimp – Lysmata amboinensis | $ 29.99 |
Pistol Shrimp: Candy Stripe – Alpheus sp. | $ 24.99 |
Shrimps:Blood / Fire :: South Asia | $ 59.99 |
Shrimps:Peppermint :: East Americas | $ 16.99 |
Shell, Snails:Bumble Bee :: Central Pacific | $ 2.99 |
Shell, Snails:Conehead Algae Eater :: East Americas | $ 2.99 |
Shell, Snails:Margarite :: West Americas | $ 2.49 |
Shell, Snails:Margarite, Green Spiral :: West Americas | $ 2.99 |
Tiger Turbo Snail – Trochus sp. | $ 5.99 |
Chocolate Chip Star – Protoreaster nodosus | $ 16.99 |