Lots of new arrivals this week at The Studio! Drop by today to see what’s new!
Angels MAC Certified:Lemon Peel :: Fiji | $58.00 |
Angels:Bicolor :: Central Pacific | $65.00 |
Angels:Coral Beauty :: Eastern Asia | $65.00 |
Angels:Flame Angel :: Central Pacific | $99.00 |
Angels:Imperator Juvenile :: South Asia | $199.00 |
Blennies MAC Certified:Starry :: Philippines | $69.00 |
Blennies MAC Certified:Tail-Spot :: Philippines | $38.00 |
Butterflies:Longnose Yellow :: South Asia | $144.00 |
Cardinals:Pajama Spotted :: Eastern Asia | $28.00 |
Damsels:Chromis, Green :: Eastern Asia | $13.00 |
Dottyback:Bicolor :: Eastern Asia | $35.00 |
Dottyback:Magenta :: Eastern Asia | $24.00 |
Dragonets:Ruby :: Eastern Asia | $50.00 |
Dragonets:Scooter, Red Starry :: South Asia | $50.00 |
Dragonets:Mandarin Green :: Eastern Asia | $39.00 |
Dragonets:Mandarin Spotted :: Eastern Asia | $48.00 |
Filefish:Matted “Aiptasia-Eating” Leatherjacket :: Eastern Asia | $70.00 |
Gobies Aquacultured:Yashia :: East Americas | $115.00 |
Gobies:Assorted Prawn Goby and Shrimp :: Eastern Asia | $159.00 |
Gobies:Clown, Citron :: Central Pacific | $35.00 |
Gobies:Panda :: Eastern Asia | $35.00 |
Gobies:Prawn, Randall’s :: Eastern Asia | $99.00 |
Gobies:Watchman Diamond :: South Asia | $35.00 |
Gobies:Watchman, False Yellow Spotted :: Eastern Asia | $18.00 |
Tangs:Clown, Lineatus :: Eastern Asia | $99.00 |
Rabbitfish:Foxface, One Spot :: Eastern Asia | $99.00 |
Rabbitfish:Spinefoot, Two Bar :: Central Pacific | $89.00 |
Tangs MAC Certified:Convict :: Fiji | $45.00 |
Tangs:Blue Hippo :: Melanesia | $85.00 |
Tangs:Bristletooth, Tomini :: Eastern Asia | $149.00 |
Tangs:Naso :: Eastern Asia | $99.00 |
Tangs:Sailfin, Desjardinii :: Eastern Asia | $165.00 |
Wrasses MAC Certified:Leopard :: Fiji | $50.00 |
Wrasses:Fairy, Conde’s Male :: Melanesia | $139.00 |
Wrasses:Fairy, Solorensis Red-eye :: Eastern Asia | $99.00 |
Wrasses:Yellow-Band Velvet :: Central Pacific | $99.00 |
Wrasses:Yellow-Band Velvet Male :: Central Pacific | $199.00 |
Crabs, Hermit:Blue Leg, Dwarf :: East Americas | $2.49 |
Shrimps:Cleaner / Scarlet Skunk :: Eastern Asia | $55.00 |
Shrimps:Red Banded Pistol :: Eastern Asia | $45.00 |
Shrimps:Tiger Pistol :: Eastern Asia | $25.00 |
Shell, Snails:Conehead Algae Eater :: East Americas | $2.99 |
Shell, Snails:Red Collar :: West Americas | $5.99 |
Shell, Snails:Spiral Top, Blk & White :: Eastern Asia | $5.99 |
Urchins:Pincushion, Red Tuxedo :: Eastern Asia | $45.00 |