Aqueon Shrimp Pellet 3.25oz




SKU: 400000137520

Product Description

Aqueon Shrimp Pellet Fish food 3.25oz Jar

Ideal for bottom dwelling fish such as plecostomus, loaches, catfish, shrimp and more. Aqueon Tablets, Rounds and Pellets sink and dissolve more slowly to continuously provide food that accommodates bottom-feeder’s typical eating habits. Aqueon Algae Rounds contain natural vegetable sources, such as spirulina and kelp, which algae eaters prefer. If necessary, break rounds and tablets into pieces to prevent overfeeding. The color enhancing formula is a blend of marigold, chili powder and astaxanthin to help promote brilliant colors in fish.

• Ideal for bottom dwelling fish!
• Nutritious food ingredients that fish are naturally attracted to
• Formulated so that fish utilize more of what they eat and create less waste
• Will not cloud water when fed as directed
• Feed rounds and tablets in amounts that fish will consume in 1-2 hours and pellets in amounts that will be consumed in under 2 minutes

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