Lots of new Freshwater and Saltwater livestock has arrived at The Studio! Check out what’s new below:
Freshwater Livestock | Price |
Angelfish:Black | $ 13.99 |
Angelfish:Koi | $ 14.99 |
Bettas:Female Plakat Avatar Copper | $ 55.99 |
Bettas:Male Black Orchid | $ 34.99 |
Bettas:Male Copper | $ 29.99 |
Bettas:Male Crowntail Dragon Scale | $ 24.99 |
Bettas:Male Dragon | $ 39.99 |
Bettas:Male Dumbo Ear White | $ 29.99 |
Bettas:Male Halfmoon Vanda | $ 84.99 |
Bettas:Male Nemo | $ 44.99 |
Bettas:Male Plakat Black Samurai | $ 54.99 |
Bettas:Male Plakat Yellow Koi Galaxy | $ 66.99 |
Axelrodi Corydoras Reg | $ 10.00 |
Julii Corydoras Tank Raised Reg | $ 10.00 |
Danios:Celestial | $ 8.00 |
Kyathit Danio Burma Reg | $ 10.00 |
Gobies:Bumblebee | $ 5.00 |
Gouramis:Opaline | $ 6.00 |
Guppies:Dumbo Ear Pingu Male | $ 6.00 |
Guppies:Endler’s Blue Star Male | $ 8.00 |
Guppies:Endler’s Leopard Male | $ 6.00 |
Guppies:Endler’s Yellow Jacket Tiger Male | $ 8.00 |
Guppies:Tequila Sunrise Male | $ 3.99 |
Guppies:Tux Yellow Male | $ 3.99 |
Marble Hatchet Reg | $ 7.00 |
Blue N. Guentheri Killie Male Reg | $ 32.00 |
Blue Sparkled Ricefish Killie Reg | $ 9.00 |
Orange Sparkled Ricefish Killie Reg | $ 9.00 |
Loaches:Dojo | $ 8.00 |
Swordtails:Koi Tricolor | $ 10.00 |
Glolite Tetra Reg | $ 3.00 |
Tetras:Cardinal Tank Raised | $ 3.99 |
Tetras:Neon Florida Raised | $ 3.49 |
Crabs:Vampire | $ 20.00 |
Blackworm Portion 10ml | $ 6.00 |
Ghost Shrimp Each | $ 0.75 |
Shrimp:Crystal Red | $ 10.00 |
Baby’s Tears Potted Reg | $ 15.00 |
Aponogeton Madagascar Lace Plant Bulb | $ 15.00 |
Aponogeton Madagascar Lace Plant Med | $ 25.00 |
Japanese Dwarf Pennywort Plant Cupped Portion | $ 14.00 |
Freshwater Livestock
Saltwater Livestock | Price |
Angel – Bicolor Sm/Md | $ 99.99 |
Angel – Emperor Juv Sm | $ 134.99 |
Angel – Regal Juv | $ 164.99 |
Tail Spot Blenny | $ 27.99 |
Cowfish – Scrawled Sm | $ 69.99 |
Mandarin Green Goby Lg | $ 39.99 |
Red Dragonet Blenny | $ 34.99 |
Filefish – Green (eats majanos) | $ 69.99 |
Diamond Goby Sm | $ 29.99 |
Goby – Twinspot | $ 43.99 |
Purple Firefish Goby Lg/Xl | $ 36.99 |
Orange Fin Tomini Tang Sm | $ 99.99 |
Purple Tang Sm/Smd | $ 389.99 |
Tangs:Bristletooth Two Spot :: Eastern Asia | $ 99.99 |
Christmas Wrasse Red | $ 74.99 |
Cleaner Wrasse Md | $ 30.00 |
Lubbock Fairy Wrasse | $ 54.99 |
Wrasses:Green :: Eastern Asia | $ 54.99 |
Wrasses:Leopard, Vermiculate Female :: South Asia | $ 124.99 |
Wrasses:McCosker’s Flasher Male :: South Asia | $ 57.99 |
Wrasses:Radiant :: Africa / Red Sea | $ 184.99 |
Yellow Coris Wrasse (Indo) Md | $ 34.99 |
Yellow Coris Wrasse (Indo) Sm | $ 30.00 |
Crab – Decorator Arrow | $ 24.99 |
Live Brine Shrimp | $ 3.50 |
Peppermint Shrimp Md | $ 14.99 |
Shrimps:Red Banded Pistol :: Eastern Asia | $ 43.99 |
Shrimps:Tiger Pistol :: Eastern Asia | $ 34.99 |
Harlequin Shrimp Pair | $ 164.99 |
Snail – Nassarius Lg | $ 5.99 |
Star Snail | $ 3.49 |
Chocolate Chip Starfish Sm/Md | $ 12.99 |
Saltwater Livestock