New Saltwater Arrivals: Stunning Fish, Wrasses, Crabs, and More!

Dive into the vibrant world of saltwater aquariums with this weekโ€™s stunning new arrivals! Weโ€™ve stocked up on a wide variety of fish, invertebrates, and marine plants to add color, movement, and balance to your reef or saltwater tank.

Here are some highlights from this week’s saltwater restock:

  • Angels & Butterflies: Yellow Angels from Eastern Asia ($65.00) and the exquisite Copperband Butterfly ($90.00).
  • Wrasses: Donโ€™t miss the breathtaking Yellowtail Pink Babi Wrasse from Eastern Asia ($245.00), Leopard Black Wrasse ($90.00), and Cleaner Wrasses ($45.00).
  • Mandarin Gobies: Green, Yellow (Target), and the rare Ruby Red Dragonette, starting at $30.00.
  • Invertebrates: Emerald Crabs on sale for $5.99 and Peppermint Shrimp at just $15.00! Bumblebee Snails and XL Nassarius Snails are $2.99 each.
  • Tangs: The Blue Hippo Tang, an iconic reef addition, is available for $125.00.
  • Marine Plants: Mangrove Seed Pods, now $9.99, are perfect for nutrient absorption and tank aesthetics.

Whether you’re looking to create a show-stopping display or build a healthy ecosystem, these arrivals have you covered. Quantities are limited, so visit us in-store or call to reserve your favorites!

Saltwater LivestockPrice
Angels:Yellow :: Eastern Asia$65.00
Copperband Butterfly – Chelmon rostratus$90.00
Cardinals Aquacultured:Kaudern’s, Banggai :: South Asia$35.00
Springer Damsel$15.00
Royal Gramma; Atl. – Gramma loreto$40.00
Green Mandarin Goby – Synchiropus splendidus$30.00
Ruby Red Dragonette – Synchiropus sycorax$40.00
Yellow (Target) Mandarin Goby – Synchiropus picturatus$33.00
Engineer Goby$15.00
Green War Paint Clown Goby – Gobiodon histrio$25.00
Scissortail Goby – Ptereleotris evides$30.00
Yellow Rose (Antenna) Goby – Stonogobiops nematodes$30.00
Porcupine Puffer – Diodon holocanthus$99.00
Tangs:Blue Hippo :: Central Pacific$125.00
Carpenters Wrasse$39.99
Clown Fairy Wrasse – Cirrhilabrus solorensis$80.00
Wrasses:Canarytop :: South Asia$60.00
Wrasses:Cleaner, Common :: Eastern Asia$45.00
Wrasses:Green :: Eastern Asia$55.00
Wrasses:Leopard Black :: Central Pacific$90.00
Wrasses:Xmas Fiji Juvenile/Sub-Adult :: Central Pacific$70.00
Wrasses:Yellowtail Pink Babi :: Eastern Asia$245.00
Yellow Banded Possum Wrasse (Flatworm Eater) – Wetmorella$99.00
Crabs:Arrow :: East Americas$25.00
Emerald Crab$5.99
Crabs, Hermit:Red Tip :: West Americas$3.00
Crabs, Hermit:Scarlet :: East Americas$7.00
Crabs, Hermit:Blue Knuckle :: Eastern Asia$16.00
Crabs, Hermit:Zebra :: West Americas$3.00
Nudibranchs:Green Sea Hare :: West Americas$25.00
Electric Eye Scallop – Lima sp.$28.00
Peppermint Shrimp; Atl. – Lysmata wurdemanni$15.00
Bumblebee Snails$2.99
Nassarius Snails XL$2.99
Shell, Snails:Margarite, Green Spiral :: West Americas$3.00
Stars:Sand :: Central Pacific$18.00
Marine Plants:Mangrove Seed Pod :: East Americas$9.99